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2011-2013 ARCHIVE - MTC Theme suggestions
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Tiny spaces

Build a track where there are at least N (my suggestion for N: 10 - 30) required BLOCKS with significantly reduced driving space on them (such as 1/3 of block is drivable, or there are those tiny "gates" through which you have to drive). Special requirement: The track should be getting harder the faster the driver goes, i.e., going slowly should be very easy.

Required block = block through which the car must drive (in other words, if the track branches somewhere, then only blocks on 1 branch are counted)
Moped Racer
Location: SK
Strange Intersections

Build a track where the path crosses itself on at least 3 occasions in some unusual way (basically any "non-standard intersection" qualifies). We're looking for cool new (or rare) ways of going through the same space multiple times. Make sure to prevent cuts!

Moped Racer
Location: SK
a track where the player should land smoothly (no bang sound) onto 3 different surfaces
gp road, platform road, tunnel road...
THINK its not illegal yet
Location: BE
c'mon just open MTC march already i want to do something with my 3 day trial (brb)
Old Age Caravanner
Location: PT
don't worry, I'll give you another one xD got it through TMUF, still dunno where to pass it...
Zimmer Racer
Location: LT
Space says:
don't worry, I'll give you another one xD got it through TMUF, still dunno where to pass it...

can you send me via pm? :p
Old Age Caravanner
Location: PT
zipperke says:
a track where the player should land smoothly (no bang sound) onto 3 different surfaces
gp road, platform road, tunnel road...

Also the track can have a certain number of jumps (5 for example) falling into the "narrow road" blocks. Not necessary without "bang" but that type of blocks are always a challenge :)
G-kart Racer
Location: ES
Ascend and Decend  
What about a track where you start at least 20 pieces high, go down to dirt, and then finish at least 20 pieces high. You must drive on each peak and nadir for at least five seconds. Hows that sound?
Learner Driver
What do you mean by "nadir"? I don't know that word.
Site Leader
Location: US
lowest point (usually sun's, but here it's track's).
Zimmer Racer
Location: LT
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