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Environment filtering on the main page?
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Environment filtering on the main page?  
Hello MX!

I have a request to the board programmer:
How about adding a switch to the user profile that’ll only show tracks of a particular environment?
I figure there must be tons of Canyon friends who only want to display the new tracks. And many Stadium friends who’re only looking for tracks of the Stadium environment. And soon most likely many Valley friends who only want to show the tracks of the Valley environment.
It’s a real pain in the neck to first activate the filter in the search function and then click on search again. And when you get back to the main page the filter is reset again.
I daresay this is not really user friendly.

Many thanks for answer in advance.
Old Age Caravanner
Location: AT
Yes I would also like this.
In profile looking for the possibility that I would Envi and if I still want to look different once I can still activate it on the track search page.
Quad Bike Racer
That is a great idea. I think that is for the people who play only one Envi the best way to take a look on the news Tracks in HIS envi.

(y) (y) Great Idea YMCE
Learner Driver
Location: DE
That's a good idea, especially with the stadium hype now
G-kart Racer
Location: DE
No interest, no comment ? :(
Too bad, would be a great feature, especially if then even Valley, etc. happen.
Quad Bike Racer
Well while from an individuals perspective this might seem like a good idea, when looking at the bigger picture it would serve to divide the community. Right now, when the MX-site is getting a lot of new users from Nations Forever Exchange, it is crucial to work towards fusing the two clashing communities and make them one. This goal is not fully executable, since not all stadium players own Canyon, but at least preventing the isolation of Canyon community would be desirable.
Old Age Caravanner
Location: FI
Lets face it, most people who use MX are going to collect all titles anyway. :p
Site Leader
Location: US
I will probably wait until multi-environment-servers are possible before buying Stadium and Valley. But I would like to stay at least informed about the others envis. That's not really a point against the switch, but I won't use it. The search filter at Find Tracks is enough for me.
PS: I remember United Exchange, when Coast tracks were dominating in the Botw. Such trends are still interesting (for me), even if you don't own or play the envi.
Beetle Racer
Location: DE
eyebo says:
Lets face it, most people who use MX are going to collect all titles anyway. :p

let's face it - no. prolly 70% of site users will be guys with free Stadium only.
Zimmer Racer
Location: LT
Really? I figured free players wouldn't really find this site. And besides, without a track editor, what use will it be to them, except downloading some maps to try offline.
Site Leader
Location: US
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