Same problem for me, I can't send replays where I tried and I tried at least from A01 to A05 but can't remember the rest D: So if you can delete my replays when it bugged too, I would appreciate it a lot.
Edit: Ok so here the maps I wasn't able to post: A01 to A06, A09, A13, B09, B10, B12, B14, B15, C01, C05, C06, C08, C10, C11, C14, C15, D01 to D04, D07, D08, D10, D11, D13, D14, D15, E01, E02 and E05 so more than the half.
In general the problem is that I already tried yesterday so can't today. But I have some other problems too. I can't post any autosaves, since I have some old replays and I didn't save my replay in the past And the last problem is that I have "Object reference not set to an instance of an object." or "Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PK_dbo.UserScores'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.UserScores'. The statement has been terminated." like yesterday for no reason.
Also nice that it works in general and thank you so much.
Edit 2: Btw, what about putting the Stadium A maps ?