I built dozens of Platform Tracks for Trackmania Sunrise and when i built those tracks i had 3 rules for my tracks.
1. built a clear path
2. force the driver to make some kind of stunts to reach the next Checkpoint
3. when the driver fails he must respawn. (when you fall off the track you should not be able to get back on the Track)
A Platform Track is difficult, because you have to "try" many times to reach any Checkpoint, otherwise if you finish the track with 0 respawns its just a Race Track.
Sure you can built a Platform Track with much pathfinding, but thats more a feature of a "trial" Track, where you search the way a very long time and then when you made it, you more and more improve your time.
Force the Player to use Respawns! i will upload my Track soon and and you wont finish with less then 10 respawns on your first try, but you will always know where you have to continue.
Last edited by echo4hhsm,