My entry for the
ManiaExchange Monthly Track Contest of July '17 - 15 Seconds. As the name suggests, the theme was to build a track which is approximately 15 seconds long. The fact that this track could be released for this months MTC is actually a small miracle (hence the name):
The map file got corrupted while saving just one day before the deadline with my only backup being of a 10 day-old version I sent to
for testing (thank you for taking the time to beta-test this track

). Luckily I was able to restore a more recent version which was about a week old with the help of
, who helped me fix the invalid map file which did not need many modifications to be playable and have a nice scenery (originally it was a giant scenery which filled a lot of the map but I did not have the time to rebuild it that way). And finally
also helped me a ton by creating marvellous MediaTracker sequences for the intro, ingame, outro and podium in just a few hours.
So I cannot thank Snake and TGYoshi enough for making it possible for this track to be released - it is absolutely amazing to have such unbelievably nice members in the community!
About the track
Let's talk about the track itself: It is a 15 second long transitional fullspeed and (kind of) transitional dirt combo track in which I tried to squeeze as much action as possible in that short timespan and make it feel a lot longer than it actually is. It is certainly not easy to get a good run although the track is very forgiving for driving errors and competely respawnable. Initially I did not want to add a dirt section but after giving it some thought I came to the conclusion that if it would fit in, it would actually be a great idea to include a dirt section as it would make the track even more diverse and also as it is an unusual sight in transitional fullspeed.
'15' also plays an important role in this track beyond just the length of the track (this part might be a bit overengineered

- A good run on the track is usually 15 seconds long
- The author time & gps run are 15.00 seconds long
- My MX replay is almost exactly 15 seconds long
- The track has arguably exactly 15 transitions/drops
- The intro and podium mediatracker sequences are exactly 15 seconds long
- The track name is exactly 15 characters long (including symbols)
- The track name 'Miraculous' includes the leetspeak equivalent letters of the digits '1' and '5' (even in the correct order)
- The track name contains the 15th letter of the alphabet - 'O'
- The track id on MX contains the digits '1' and '5' (in the correct order of course)But wait! The list doesn't stop there
- The MX user ID of eyebo - the beta tester of this track is 15
- The first 3 people who awarded this map all have 5-letter names
3 * 5 = 15
- The first 3 people who awarded this map all also have the 15th letter of the alphabet in their name: OLDA_X, Lodec, Lolig
- My MX user ID starts with the digits '15'
- My first map was released on MX in 2015, on October 13th at 18:52:43
- 3 of the people involved in the creation/release of this map have 5-letter names (Snake, eyebo, Solux) - 3 * 5 = 15
- There are 15 occurences of '15' related to this track
I hope you'll enjoy this track!
Absolutely unnecessarily excessive theme implementation
Lots of smooth transitions
Fully Respawnable
No custom objects (as usual)
Podium Cam
High-Quality Shadows
Minimal Flickering