I lolig like to present you a map originally made by Poco.
Originally he never intended to release this map. Even after me asking to Poco when we would see his next map, he simply said he would probally not build something again.
But while i (lolig) was bored one day, I went to the editor and tried to extend the map and place scenery. After showing Poco the result he was kind of positive about this map.
When we both deceided to release this map I asked 400r_ if he would build an Media tracker for this "small" map. And so He began. A few weeks later (today) he showed us the result of his work. And all I can say is this: Please play the map and see what an incredible work 400r_ did. Knowing this is an endurance map, wich requires way longer and more triggers than a normal 30-40second map. I'm just stunned what this guy did.
So basicly this is the main story about the map.
Main routing:Poco Scenery, signs, final part and screenshot:lolig Media tracker:400r_ Maptype: endurance/speedtech (AT: 4:24.00)
Coppers: 16k+ (filesize over 1MB)
Difficulty: Intermediate
Title pack: Valley
Shadows: High Quality
Showcases: Poco his one and only map(build 4 years ago but still offers lots of creativity and challenge!)